Thursday, March 28, 2013

Super Science Wednesday - Egg Colouring

What is on every child's mind this week?  Easter!  With this in mind, we incorporated the children's excitement about Easter into our Super Science Wednesday activity.  Using an egg dye kit, we worked together to color eggs.  This lead to lots of great discussion about the difference between cooked eggs and raw eggs.  We opened up each of these types of eggs to observe the differences.

Here we are observing the reaction of the vinegar and the dye.  We could hear it fizzing.  We learned a new word....dissolve.

Observing the reaction of the vinegar and the dye. 

So many colourful choices....

We experimented with both brown and white eggs.  We observed that the dye had more of an effect on the white eggs. 

Our beautiful finished product.  We hope your egg made it home safe and sound!

Happy Easter to all!

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