Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Looked what we did on Friday!!

Friday was a busy day in our early years room! We enjoyed listening to our students play their "recycled materials" instruments.  We talked about the materials used and the variations in sounds. We even sorted the instruments into different types!

We have been enjoying outdoor learning with our friends from Miss Elford's class.  On Friday, we took our baking outside.  Mrs. Allan baked chocolate chip cookies with the students.  

We also experimented with paint brushes and water.  This activity was a huge hit with our kindergarten friends! 

Good-Bye Butterflies!

Today we released our butterflies into the front school yard.  The children were extremely excited to discover most butterflies emerged from their chrysalis over the weekend.

We have been learning lots of facts and information as we read a variety of non-fiction books about butterflies.

Each day, the children have been recording their observations on a butterfly calendar. 

Mrs. Petta joined us outside to hear the children calling out "Good-bye butterflies" as we watched them fly away!

We wish our butterflies a great journey!

Monday, June 15, 2015

Flashlight Fun

For Super Science Wednesday, we explored the concept of light and dark.  Thanks to all who brought in a flashlight to help in our inquiry.  We talked about things we do in the light and things we do in the dark.  We also discussed the different things that give us light such as the sun, fireworks, light bulbs and flashlights. Another great Super Science Wednesday!

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Caterpillars Have Arrived!

We are so happy that our creepy little caterpillars have finally arrived! The caterpillars are busy eating and growing each and every day. We are observing their growth and individually recording our observations on a special butterfly calendar.  We are reading different non-fiction books to gain information about the life cycle of a butterfly. We have created a list of "I Wonder" statements and we hope to gain answers to all our wonders through our inquiry learning!

Mrs.Allan works with our friends to place the caterpillars in a container with their special food.