Monday, December 15, 2014

Holiday Fun Day

On Friday we celebrated our "holiday fun day".  Thanks so much to the many parents and grandparents who came out and assisted.  The children were engaged in math activities, phonemic awareness, art and of course cookie decorating!
Decorating cookies! Yummy! 

Making patterns using Christmas ornaments!

Playing the "roll a gingerbread boy" dice game!

Using our knowledge of letters/sounds to sing "Jingle Bells" a silly way!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Welcome to the North Pole

We have been busy like little elves getting things ready here at school for our newest center - the North Pole, Santa's workshop holiday house!  The children got busy helping to create artwork and signs for this center.  With the grand opening of this center on Friday, we saw lots of children busy writing wish lists, stuffing stockings and working hard at the workbench to make toys!  Take a look at our friends busy at work and play!