Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter!

We hope everyone is enjoying this very beautiful Easter long weekend.  On Super Science Wednesday, we experimented with coloring mixing and eggs, as each child decorated his/her very own egg.  It was interesting to hear the different observations  made by the children as they worked at this activity.  

We went on a little egg hunt around the classroom and then graphed the different color eggs that we found.  It is great to hear the math language used by the children, such as more, less, least, few, and equal.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fighting Island

As  you know from receiving this week's field trip note, our class is very fortunate to being going on a field trip to Fighting Island later this month.  Miss Elford and I had the opportunity to visit the island this week as part of teacher training day.  We are in need of lots of parent volunteers to join us on this outing.  Here is some more information about the island and this very exciting field trip opportunity!

Beach Day

On Friday, our class celebrated "beach day".  The students had suggested having a beach day and they were very excited upon arriving at school on  Friday.  Thanks so very much to everyone who brought in fruit.  We made "fruit kabobs" with the children.  We couldn't believe how eager the children were to snack on these fruit kabobs.  It was a great opportunity to talk about healthy snacks!

Exploring items at the science center on beach day!

Some of our friends decided it would be interesting to "weigh" various "beach"items.

The very popular fruit kabobs!

It wouldn't be a beach day without playing in the sand!

This friend decided to build a beach scene using Lego.

Some of the girls worked together to create and perform a "hula" dance for the class.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Could it be a sign of spring?

Today we took a walk to the "Kindergarden".  Our very special garden, which we started last fall is showing a sign of spring.  The children actually gasped with excitement when they looked and saw the tulips coming up!  We are looking forward to more nice weather, so we can take groups of children out to the garden to get it looking beautiful again!  If any families are able to donate plants or mulch to our garden, please let us know.  We are also happy to have parent volunteers help us with our gardening.  So, if you have a talent in gardening (or even if you don't), please let us know.  We would love the extra hands to help!